Studio Timeline
King for a Day Performs Feel Your Skin KFAD (King for a Day) Performs the song Feel Your Skin at at the Acoustic cafe on 8/27/06
King For A Day performs Hear Me SCREAM Hear me Scream performed at the Acoustic cafe in Black Rock CT..8/27/06 by King for a Day
King for a Day - Hello from Danny King for a Day vocalist Dan Labich Says hello to all you youtube users out there!
Take Me Down - Baby Dynamite 11/25/16 Baby Dynamite's performance of Take Me Down 11/25/16 @ The Acoustic, Black Rock CT.
Baby Dynamite: Fallen Angel 12/11/15 @ The Acoustic We believe in the powers of love and music...and that they're one and the same. And when we all come together...magic happens. Thanks for your love and support, friends! Here's another clip from the Baby Dynamite set @ The Acoustic ...
Recording Session: King For a Day Records How've You Been? Recording Session Footage from 9/20/07. We set up live and recorded for 5 is what came out of it
Gathering of the Vibes 2009 King For A Day Performs Scream King for A Day performing their original song "Scream" on July 24,2009 Gathering of the Vibes...this was the first tune of the set
King For a Day - Turn Out the Light KFAD Performing the Original Song Turn Out the Light Live at the Chef's Table, Fairfield, CT 6/1/08
King For A Day - Turn Out The Light - Live 11/27/09 King For A Day Unplugged Performing "Turn Out the Light" 11/27/09 at Fairfield Theatre Company. This was special show with live visuals to complement the music.
Baby Dynamite: Devolution 12/11/15 @ The Acoustic Baby Dynamite Performs Devolution for the first time om 12/11/15 @ The Acoustic, Bridgeport, CT
Gathering of the Vibes 2009 - King For A Day Performs Chasing Juliette This is a Preview of King For A Day's First DVD release: King For A Day Live at the Gathering of The Vibes 2009. Song Performed is called Chasing Juliette
The Beatles - Dig A Pony/Help From My Friends Medley Baby Dynamite 6-18_16 @ The... Grateful and lucky to have had magic makers Matt Zeiner, Elizabeth Dellinger, Mia Fanali-Skowronski and Lee-Ann Lovelace joining us on stage...Fam! Dig...a Pony, y'all! We got high with a little help...from a whole lotta friends on this night. Humble thanks, ...
The Mis-Adventures of King For A Day The Misadventures of King For A Day chronicals the lives and times of the band as they strive to fill the universe with great music!
Part 1
Fallen Angel - Fairfield Theatre Company 11/26/2010 King For A Day performing their song Fallen Angel during their unplugged set. This show was right after Thanksgiving and was the debut of KFAD's concentration on harmonies. Enjoy!
Recording Session: King For a Day Records Mile after Mile Recording Date on Thurs. 9/20/07 We set up live and just jammed out for 5's what came of it.
Prince Sexy MF - Baby Dynamite 6-18_16 @ The Acoustic Grateful and lucky to have had magic makers Matt Zeiner, Elizabeth Dellinger, Mia Fanali-Skowronski and Lee-Ann Lovelace joining us on stage...Fam! Dig...a Pony, y'all! We got high with a little help...from a whole lotta friends on this night. Humble thanks, ...
America's Band: King for a Day Mini Doc part 2 Just dug this up...its an edited version that was originally intended for submission to the American Idol Band Contest!...So now it is Part 2 of the ongoing KFAD documentary!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM KING FOR A DAY Here is a little Holiday Cheer from KFAD..wishing you a wonderful holiday and a great new year!
King For A day Live at FTC 11/27/09 - Let Me In King For A Day Performs Let Me In at the Fairfield Theatre Company, Stage 1 November 27, 2009
Little Drummer Boy Greetings friends and family of Syrah Syrah! The message of this song is close to our hearts. Give of yourself. Your talents, your love, your light. We offer this little rendition as our Christmas offering and wish you a Merry ...
Gathering of the Vibes 2009 - King For A Day Performs Put it On Me This is a Preview of King For A Day's First DVD release: King For A Day Live at the Gathering of The Vibes 2009. Song Performed is called Put It On Me
AINT NO SUNSHINE -King for a Day plays the Bill Withers song King for a Day Live in Fairfield, CT 6/1/08 - This Show is from our weekly lunchtime gig at the Chef's Table. It features KFAD performing the Bill Withers song "AINT NO SUNSHINE."
King for a Day Feel Your Skin Live Gathering of the Vibes 2009 Found from the archives! King for a Day Feel Your Skin Live Gathering of the Vibes 2009. This is a }}}DEEP{{{ of our best live performances!
She We put a brave face on each day. We know how to make it through the show. Each of us are fighting in some secret way that no one else will know. We seem to take it all in stride. ...

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